NM Organics Recycling Organization (NMORO)
NMORO offers organics recycling expertise to help reach our state’s goal of increased diversion. It has also launched a NMORO Task Force, which meets to discuss issues and develop resources.
NMORO/NMRC Position on Organics Management
The two entities have created a position statement advising communities on best practices of organics management.
NMORO encourages local communities to develop cost-effective programs to divert organic material (including yard, food, manure, mortality, agricultural and biosolids waste) from landfills. Removing organics from the waste stream has the following benefits: conserves landfill space, enables utilization of a valuable resource, and avoids greenhouse gas (methane) creation.
These programs should consider the following components: Develop local ordinances to encourage a soft ban of and provide price incentives to reduce and divert organics from landfills. A soft ban requests customers to voluntarily comply with a material ban. The ban can be written into local ordinance or simply added to signage and does not have penalties or enforcement. Price incentives would provide a reduced tip fee for sorted organic material. View Complete Position Statement
Starting an Organics Diversion Program & Using Mulch/Compost
New Mexico Organics Recycling Guide: NMORO & NMRC created a simple guide to assist communities in launching or expanding their organics management program. Included in the guide is a worksheet to guide you through the steps of considering upfront costs, equipment needs, ongoing costs and then benefits derived from diverting organics. Case Studies of programs such as Las Cruces, Soilutions, Estancia Valley Solid Waste Authority, Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Soils Amendment Facility, City of Albuquerque and Wood U Recycle! are included.
Local Use of Compost and Mulch Guide: When collecting yard waste and organic materials it is important to know that the material will have practical uses, whether you make the choice to create mulch or compost for diversion. To this end, NMRC created a comprehensive guide on using compost and mulch locally. While the guide focuses on rural communities, the information can be used in any sized community. The guide provides a variety of local uses for both mulch and compost. Uses outlined in the guide include: parks and recreation uses, golf courses, organic farms, land remediation, erosion control and slop stabilization.
Food Waste Diversion for Food Handlers and Communities
Almost 40% of food is lost or wasted from production to plate and represents almost 15% of our waste stream. NMRC is promoting the reduction of food waste through source reduction, food donation, food to animals and composting. Find out more about how to reduce waste at your business and in your community. More
Receive Organics Program Technical Assistance
NMORO strives to assist communities and large facilities with setting up their composting operations. You may send a request for technical assistance to nmorganicsrecycling@gmail.com.
Bernalillo County Master Composter Program: Several Bernalillo County Extension Master Composter trainings have been completed. Master Composter program interns from Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia, Cibola and McKinley counties are available to teach home composting classes - free to the public. Send inquiries to: johnzarola@comcast.net.
Click on the tabs below for more information.
- New Mexico Compost Facilities more
- Bernalillo County Extension Master Composter Training more
- Compost Testing Laboratories more
- Compost Thermometers (Source 1 and Source 2)
- Grinder Rental: Vermeer 505-345-8787; Tony Sanchez 505-280-0358,
- Chipper Rental: Ditch Witch of New Mexico 505-345-1888 or 800-954-1889
- Restoration Services: Rick Evans 575-937-2741; Jerry Connolly 505-929-1245; Tony Sanchez 505-280-0358
- Texas Department of Transportation: Visit the Texas DOT web site to learn about the very successful compost/mulch program.
- Composting Redworm Vendors: Soil Foods, 505-466-2620, ronstrauch@cybermesa.com; RC Wiggle Worms, cjacobs@wm.com 505-326-4586 and Sam McCarthy, Santa Fe Premium Compost, SFCompost@yahoo.com, 505-986-3415
- "Description and Use of Municipal Solid Waste Composts in New Mexico" by George Dickerson for NMSU Extension Office.
- View other great composting-related articles by searching the NMSU Extension Office website.
- NMED/NMRC Compost Operator Certification Courses
- NMORO Compost Mix Calculation Resources: