Caption for photos: At the 2014 Conference, we had the pleasure of receiving several great welcomes to attendees! Top row from left: Ron Curry, EPA Region 6 Administrator; Butch Tongate, NM Environment Department Deputy Secretary; John Soladay, City of Albuquerque Solid Waste Department Director. The conference also hosted 3 great keynote speakers to include (second row, from left): Auralie Ashley-Marx, NM Environment Department Solid Waste Bureau Chief, Terry Brunner, USDA Rural Development NM Director (pictured with former NMRC Executive Director English Bird receiving a certificate from USDA); and Damon Carson, RePurposed Materials CEO.


New Mexico Recycling & Solid Waste Conference: Integrating Solutions 2014

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Hosted by The New Mexico Recycling Coalition & New Mexico SWANA Road – Roadrunner Chapter
Sept 22-24, 2014  Hotel Albuquerque

Thank you for a great conference!

The two-day program (Sept 23 & 24) consisted of breakout sessions, lectures, roundtable discussions, exhibitors, keynote speakers, awards ceremony, networking and more. Tours took place on Monday, September 22nd.

Final Conference Program Click here

Thank You To Our Generous Sponsors!

Friedman Recycling, South Central Solid Waste Authority, NM Environment Department: Solid Waste Bureau, Keep NM Beautiful, Busch Systems, Bio-Pappel, Centennial Recycling, Gordon Environmental, Northwest NM Regional Solid Waste Authority, Sandia National Labs, SCS Engineers, Camino Real Environmental Center/Waste Connections, Wagner, Waste Management, NM Clean & Beautiful, PNM, Acme Iron and Metal, CDM Smith, Golder Associates, Roadrunner Waste Service, Green Group Holdings, International Paper, Keers, NM Beverage Association, Pepsi Beverages Company and Stericycle.

Conference Presentations

Session TitlePdf of PowerPoint Presentation
Keynote PresentationDamon Carson, repurposed Materials
Break-Out Session A: NMED SessionChuck Akeley: Top 10 Inspection Problems
Erica Ortega: Operational Best Practices
Joan Snider: Solid Waste Management Plan
Break-Out Session A: Regulatory I SessionGreg Larson/Randall Kippenbrock: Landfill Infiltration
Jim Brooks: Wood Chips for Intermediate Cover
George Schuman: Guidance on Wood Chips for Intermediate Cover
Charles Fiedler: Measuring Leachate
Greg Larson: FAA and Landfills
Break-Out Session A: Hard to Recycle ItemsEnglish Bird: NM Food Waste Management Project
John Shaski: Diverting Food Waste for Compost
Tejinder Ciano: Working with Local Government to Start Food Waste Program
Patty Dillon: State Electronics Challenge
Marilyn May: Hard to Recycle Plastics
Matt Kuhl: Hard to Recycle Program Management
Break-Out Session A: Recycling as an EnterpriseRalph Wrons: Recycling as a Job Creator
David Reynolds: Enterprise Recycling at PNM
David Kistin: Social Enterprise and Marketing
Break-Out Session B: Transfer Stations of All Shapes and SizesTom Parker: Seattle TS (N/A)
Keith Gordon: Case Studies of TS Around New Mexico
Joan Snider: Adding Organics Diversion to Transfer Stations
Break-Out Session B: Regulatory IIDacia Tucholke: Vulnerable Area Assessments
Kelly Collins and Randall Kippenbrock: How Much Noise Does a Landfill Make?
David Mezzacappa: Greenhouse Gas and Air Regulations on Landfills
Break-Out Session B: Construction Material DiversionEd Davidson: Mesa Verde Enterprises Construction Recycling
Sean Gillespie: GreenPaso Services Construction Sorting
Tim Gray: Guidance on Setting Up Construction Reuse Areas
Break-Out Session C: Alternative Solid Waste PracticesDeirdre Price: Agricultural Waste-to-Energy
Marcia Pincus: Landfill Gas to Energy
Norman Scott: Innovative Solutions to Illegal Dumping
Break-Out Session C: Managing TiresKerrie Greenfelder: Avoiding Tire Fires
Toni Duggan: Tire Bale Success Projects
Break-Out Session C: Local Use of Organic MaterialsSarah Pierpont, Jim Brooks, Walter Dods and Tim Gray
Break-Out Session D: Single Stream, Bag Bans and PAYTJill Holbert: Albuquerque Single Stream Program
Terry Timme: Silver City’s PAYT Program Update
Katherine Mortimer: Santa Fe’s Plastic Bag Ban
Break-Out Session D: SafetyRoss Muir: Landfill Job Hazard Analysis
Sam McCord: Engineering Safety Int All Facilities
Tom Parker: Safety Best Practices
Chris Mitchell: Safety Protocol and Practices
Break-Out Session D: Solid Waste PlanningPatrick Peck and Kelly Collins: Dona Ana County Flow Control
Dave Yanke: Santa Fe Regional Plan
Amy Reed: Costs of Collection in NM 2014 (N/A)
Break-Out Session D: Funding Recycling and Solid Waste ProgramsTerry Timme: Using Capital Outlay and Other Funding Tactics
Audrey Herrera-Castillo: NM Clean & Beautiful And Other Grant Programs
English Bird: Other Funding Opportunities
Break-Out Session D: Using Organic MaterialsTim Gray: From Mulch to Compost
Jim Brooks: Erosion Control Applications
Joseph Ellis and Charles Fiedler: Creating Compost Out of Septage
Rural Recycling In-Depth TrainingSarah Pierpont: Understanding Recycling’s Benefits
Patrick Peck: Meeting Social and Political Demand
Terry Timme: Understanding Recycling’s Benefits